Man-made fixtures are one of the most common culprits of in-home floods and water damage. Fixtures such as toilets, faucets, and even the copper piping can malfunction and leak water into your property. However man-made fixtures are not the only cause of property flooding. Floods are one of the most common and costly natural disasters.  They can happen anywhere. Steady rain can slowly build up causing water back up in areas prone to flooding. If the rain is excessive a flash flood could be possible, creating excessively flooded areas and rising rivers. However, it can happen that a flooding situation can just be a freak occurrence.

Recently Calgary, Alberta experienced a devastating flood due to what is being called a “unique” situation. Heavy rains combined with an already saturated ground- due to the area still being frozen- created flowing waters that ran down valleys. Couple those conditions with strong winds and the “unique” situation becomes a massive flood.

Tips from the Redcross for flooding:

  • Be prepared!

Always have a plan with your household in case of a flood.

  • Have supplies ready
  • 3 day supply of water; or one gallon per person per day
  • 3 day supply of non-perishable, easy to prepare food
  • Flashlight
  • Medications and Medical Items
  • Battery-powered radio

Safety Tips:

  • Stay away from floodwaters. Flowing water above 6 inches can sweep you off your feet.
  • Do not try to drive through flooded areas, turn around and find another way. Cars can be swept away in less than two feet of moving water.
  • Keep children and pets out of all water. Water can be contaminated or if it is moving fast enough, they can be swept away.
  • Be even more cautious at night, it may be harder to notice flood danger.
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